Département de physique



Journées de Physique Statistique

Program 2019

Thursday, January 31, 2019

9h00 - 9h15  Registration
9h15 - 11h00  Série A (Chairman: Francesco Zamponi)
  11h00 - 11h30  Pause
11h30 - 12h30  Bernard Derrida (ENS Paris, Collège de France, PSL)
         The legacy of Elizabeth Gardner in the theory of disordered systems
12h30 - 13h00  Jean-Louis Barrat (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS)
        Deformation of materials: a statistical physics problem?   [pdf]
13h00 - 14h15  Lunch
14h15 - 14h45  Jorge Kurchan (ENS Paris, CNRS)
         Two symptoms of chaos in quantum systems
14h45 - 15h15  Emmanuelle Gouillart (Saint Gobain, CNRS)
        Physics problems inspired by the glass industry   [pdf]
15h15 - 15h45  Pause
15h45 - 17h15  Série B (Chairwoman: Cécile Cottin-Bizonne)
17h15 - 17h30  Pause
17h30 - 18h00  Anne-Florence Bitbol (Sorbonne Univ., CNRS)
        Proteins: sequences and physics   [pdf]
18h00 - 18h30  Arezki Boudaoud (ENS Lyon, Univ. Lyon I, CNRS)
         On the robustness of organ morphogenesis

Friday, February 1, 2019

9h00 - 10h45  Série C (Chairman: Vivien Lecomte)
10h45 - 11h15  Pause
11h15 - 11h45  Léonie Canet (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS)
         Breaking of scale invariance in the correlation functions of fully developed turbulence
11h45 - 12h15  Benjamin Rotenberg (Sorbonne Univ., CNRS)
         Underscreening and Casimir force in confined ionic liquids
12h15 - 13h45  Lunch
13h45 - 14h15  Laura Messio (Sorbonne Univ., CNRS)
         Extrapolation of thermodynamic functions from high temperature expansions: application to spin models
14h15 - 14h45  Frédéric Lechenault (ENS Paris, CNRS)
         “Seismicity” in knitted fabric
14h45 - 15h15  Claude Loverdo (Sorbonne Univ., CNRS)
        Physical modeling of the interaction between antibodies and bacteria in the gut   [pdf]
15h15 - 15h30  Série D (Chairman: Rémi Monasson)
15h30 - 16h00  Pause
16h00 - 17h30  Série D – continued (Chairman: Rémi Monasson)